strategy, strategic planning, business strategy

Strategy and execution


Running your business is different from delivering your strategy

onTarget’s Strategic Pyramid methodology drives the successful creation and execution of your company’s strategy. It aligns what you inspire to be, where you see your company in the future and how you plan to achieve that. Best of all: it ensures alignment across your entire organization!

Our clients confirm it over and over again: it works!


  • VISION (3-5 YEARS)

Why are we so sure?

What gives us confidence that our methodology will bring results to you?

20+ leadership


Our passion for our strategic planning methodology comes from our own positive experience about it when we were in your shoes: driving aggressive growth, fighting productivity issues, searching alignment across functions, motivating our people.



onTarget’s OGSM methodology allows your team to start to see the big picture, feel being truly part of your organisation. As a result they will start moving to the same direction, executing a common strategy with passion, energy and true engagement.

Tailored to


Your business is different than others. You WANT it to be different: more successful, inviting the best clients to choose you, retaining the best employees. So even our best methodology is adjusted to drive YOUR business results.

Collaborative workshops


We do the work in collaborative workshops WITH you, not only FOR you. We want you to learn our methodology, own the results and apply it to your business in years to come.



We believe that true business impact comes with systemic work, not one time intervention. You will get an impactful plan, not just a single workshop.

Making your results


You want your results to be visible: your stakeholders want it, your employees want it. So – together with you – we will make it visible, preferably measurable.

Frequently Asked Questions about Strategy

  • I'm running my daily business and still lacking breakthrough results. What can I do?

    Your plans do not fail because they are bad plans. They fail because leaders are busy running their daily business. And running the business is different from delivering the strategy. Let us help you to experience the difference!

  • How can I have my team understand our strategy?

    Our methodology involves some or all of your team members into the process. With that we not only ensure understanding your strategy. It also creates magical engagement and commitment to your strategy! In fact, it can be a strong basis for creating your winning company culture.

  • What methodology onTarget uses?

    We are leveraging a tailored version of the proven OGSM methodology. Born in the 1970’s it’s leveraged by the best companies around the world. It’s highly scalable our clients with a dozen employees to multiple thousand use OGSM to formulate their strategy and run their business. Learn more about it on our dedicated OGSM page.

Strategy Blog

strategy fails

Why Corporate Strategy Breaks Down

Strategy execution. That wonderful, elusive thing leaders around the world covet. What a dream to develop a corporate strategy, institute it with discipline and clear communication and watch our teams adapt, allocate resources, track progress and deliver results. Unfortunately, only 33% of leaders reach this organizational nirvana, with the latest estimate that 67% of strategies fail […]

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Executive Coaching & Leadership Support For Change

Especially during times of stress and change, it is important for leaders to be in touch first with themselves, and then with their teams and employees throughout the organization. Coaches can help leaders become more effective in tough times, and can also help them become better coaches themselves.

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Courage or consideration?

We had an interesting discussion with one of our clients about the barriers to establish real win-win relationships. What is “thinking win-win”? Thinking “win-win” means that I consider other people’s win equally important as mine. In fact thinking win-win also means I actively work on creating win for others, not only for myself. In order to establish […]

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No success without these three steps

We are regularly asked about success. Some of the most frequent questions are like this: “Who doesn’t want to be successful? Can everybody be successful?” “Successful people are usually measured by money. Are other measures of success?” At onTarget we believe that in order to be successful one needs to do three, equally important things: […]

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