What is OGSM?
OGSM stands for Objectives, Goals, Strategies, and Measures. It is a practical methodology and proven tool that helps organisations of various sizes and structures develop their feasible strategies, break them down into viable deliverables and deliver tangible business results.
What are the Benefits?
OGSM helps to formulate and communicate your strategy reaching clear alignment and integration of processes across regions, business units, or functions. It also facilitates you to translate strategy into a specific action plan. When this is widely understood across an organization and communicated properly internally, it becomes a very effective tool that helps to point everyone in the same direction. Because teams know their contribution, it starts to be beneficial on an individual level to follow the strategy and think strategically, which in turn, boosts employee engagement.
Discover the 4 pillars of excellent strategy execution

1. Objectives
WHAT we aim to achieve in short, inspiring sentences.

2. Goals
WHAT we aim to reach, expressed in concrete numbers.

3. Strategies
The HOW: what are our choices that we believe will get us reaching our goals.

4. Measures
HOW are we going to measure the progress executing our strategies.
Fortune 500 companies as well as small businesses choose OGSM:
Courtesy to our strategic partner, Archpoint Consulting.
How does onTarget implement OGSM?
We start with a detailed understanding of your specific business situation and together we identify the key opportunities. Then we tailor our methodology to fit your business perfectly. In a series of workshops with you, we develop your organization’s Strategy and cascade it down to the teams delivering your business results. We also train your leaders to run your company month-by-month using the strategy created together. We also make sure that the different business units and functions’ strategic plans are supporting each other. Finally, in collaboration with our strategic partner, Archpoint Consulting we also offer myOGSM.com, a software solution to keep track of the multi-tier OGSM across your whole company.
- Step 4: Evaluate
- Step 3: Implement together
- Step 2: Customize our approach
- Step 1: Understand your current business situation
What can you expect from OGSM?

With OGSM methodology your whole organization will be very clear what you all aim to achieve, your goals. Moreover it will also be clear what choices you are making to achieve those goals.

Focused execution
With onTarget’s OGSM methodology your will also learn how to actively leverage your strategy to keep people focused achieving your goals and drive execution throughout the year.

With onTarget’s OGSM methodology your team will also learn how to keep track of the most important initiatives and projects that will bring your company to the future. Consistent execution will be the way your team will work.
What makes onTarget’s OGSM approach special?
- The way onTarget implements OGSM in an organization it’s not just about strategy – it also drives execution.
- At onTarget we are leaders who have been using OGSM for years, so you can be confident, we do this in a very practical way.
- Beyond cascading the strategy down across the organization we also identify the key projects that will bring the results.
- And you will be offered a computer system to keep track of OGSM as well as the key Initiatives and Projects across your organization.
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